It’s that time again. You’ve got an email from your IT team or an automated message from systems that your password will expire. The problem? You access that server via RDP on your Mac. How do you initiate a password change on Windows from macOS? It’s easy if you’re using a virtual PC (e.g., emulating….
Posts Tagged
macOS “Finder Can’t Quit…”
If you’ve ever tried restarting or shutting down your Mac and go the following message, then you’ll find this post very helpful. No matter how many times you click that “x” next to the iOS or iPadOS device that is syncing it never stops. And if you’re in a hurry, it’s all the more frustrating….
Deleting Time Zones in Calendar on macOS
If you’ve ever had a time zone in your Calendar on Mac that you no longer need you probably didn’t see a way to remove it. That’s because Apple does not provide a way in the UI to remove time zones — only the ability to add them. This can be really frustrating, but you’re…
Create macOS 10.15 Virtual Machine
If you’re using a Mac computer for business you’ve likely had situations which required the use of Windows only program or application. In fact, I use Windows nearly everyday for data ETL projects (Infogix Data360). For over a decade now I’ve used VMware Fusion to run a virtual computer with the Windows operating system (OS)….